1,018 research outputs found

    Instruction fetch architectures and code layout optimizations

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    The design of higher performance processors has been following two major trends: increasing the pipeline depth to allow faster clock rates, and widening the pipeline to allow parallel execution of more instructions. Designing a higher performance processor implies balancing all the pipeline stages to ensure that overall performance is not dominated by any of them. This means that a faster execution engine also requires a faster fetch engine, to ensure that it is possible to read and decode enough instructions to keep the pipeline full and the functional units busy. This paper explores the challenges faced by the instruction fetch stage for a variety of processor designs, from early pipelined processors, to the more aggressive wide issue superscalars. We describe the different fetch engines proposed in the literature, the performance issues involved, and some of the proposed improvements. We also show how compiler techniques that optimize the layout of the code in memory can be used to improve the fetch performance of the different engines described Overall, we show how instruction fetch has evolved from fetching one instruction every few cycles, to fetching one instruction per cycle, to fetching a full basic block per cycle, to several basic blocks per cycle: the evolution of the mechanism surrounding the instruction cache, and the different compiler optimizations used to better employ these mechanisms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Software trace cache

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    We explore the use of compiler optimizations, which optimize the layout of instructions in memory. The target is to enable the code to make better use of the underlying hardware resources regardless of the specific details of the processor/architecture in order to increase fetch performance. The Software Trace Cache (STC) is a code layout algorithm with a broader target than previous layout optimizations. We target not only an improvement in the instruction cache hit rate, but also an increase in the effective fetch width of the fetch engine. The STC algorithm organizes basic blocks into chains trying to make sequentially executed basic blocks reside in consecutive memory positions, then maps the basic block chains in memory to minimize conflict misses in the important sections of the program. We evaluate and analyze in detail the impact of the STC, and code layout optimizations in general, on the three main aspects of fetch performance; the instruction cache hit rate, the effective fetch width, and the branch prediction accuracy. Our results show that layout optimized, codes have some special characteristics that make them more amenable for high-performance instruction fetch. They have a very high rate of not-taken branches and execute long chains of sequential instructions; also, they make very effective use of instruction cache lines, mapping only useful instructions which will execute close in time, increasing both spatial and temporal locality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enlarging instruction streams

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    The stream fetch engine is a high-performance fetch architecture based on the concept of an instruction stream. We call a sequence of instructions from the target of a taken branch to the next taken branch, potentially containing multiple basic blocks, a stream. The long length of instruction streams makes it possible for the stream fetch engine to provide a high fetch bandwidth and to hide the branch predictor access latency, leading to performance results close to a trace cache at a lower implementation cost and complexity. Therefore, enlarging instruction streams is an excellent way to improve the stream fetch engine. In this paper, we present several hardware and software mechanisms focused on enlarging those streams that finalize at particular branch types. However, our results point out that focusing on particular branch types is not a good strategy due to Amdahl's law. Consequently, we propose the multiple-stream predictor, a novel mechanism that deals with all branch types by combining single streams into long virtual streams. This proposal tolerates the prediction table access latency without requiring the complexity caused by additional hardware mechanisms like prediction overriding. Moreover, it provides high-performance results which are comparable to state-of-the-art fetch architectures but with a simpler design that consumes less energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Explaining dynamic cache partitioning speed ups

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    Cache partitioning has been proposed as an interesting alternative to traditional eviction policies of shared cache levels in modern CMP architectures: throughput is improved at the expense of a reasonable cost. However, these new policies present different behaviors depending on the applications that are running in the architecture. In this paper, we introduce some metrics that characterize applications and allow us to give a clear and simple model to explain final throughput speed ups.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Data placement in HPC architectures with heterogeneous off-chip memory

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    The performance of HPC applications is often bounded by the underlying memory system's performance. The trend of increasing the number of cores on a chip imposes even higher memory bandwidth and capacity requirements. The limitations of traditional memory technologies are pushing research in the direction of hybrid memory systems that, besides DRAM, include one or more modules based on some of the higher-density non-volatile memory technologies, where one of them will provide the required bandwidth, while the other will provide the required capacity for the application. This creates many challenges with data placement and migration policies between the modules of such hybrid memory system. In this paper, we propose an architecture with a hybrid memory design that places two technologically different memory modules in a flat address space. On such system, we evaluate several HPC workloads against different data placement and migration policies, compare their performance by means of execution time and the number of non-volatile memory writes, and consider how it can be applied to the future HPC architectures. Our results show that the hybrid memory system with dynamic page migration and limited DRAM capacity, can achieve performance that is comparable to a hypothetical, hard to implement, DRAM-only system.Postprint (published version

    CellSim: a validated modular heterogeneous multiprocessor simulator

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    As the number of transistors on a chip continues increasing the power consumption has become the most important constraint in processors design. Therefore, to increase performance, computer architects have decided to use multiprocessors. Moreover, recent studies have shown that heterogeneous chip multiprocessors have greater potential than homogeneous ones. We have built a modular simulator for heterogeneous multiprocessors that can be configure to model IBM's Cell Processor. The simulator has been validated against the real machine to be used as a research tool.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    DIA: A complexity-effective decoding architecture

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    Fast instruction decoding is a true challenge for the design of CISC microprocessors implementing variable-length instructions. A well-known solution to overcome this problem is caching decoded instructions in a hardware buffer. Fetching already decoded instructions avoids the need for decoding them again, improving processor performance. However, introducing such special--purpose storage in the processor design involves an important increase in the fetch architecture complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel decoding architecture that reduces the fetch engine implementation cost. Instead of using a special-purpose hardware buffer, our proposal stores frequently decoded instructions in the memory hierarchy. The address where the decoded instructions are stored is kept in the branch prediction mechanism, enabling it to guide our decoding architecture. This makes it possible for the processor front end to fetch already decoded instructions from the memory instead of the original nondecoded instructions. Our results show that using our decoding architecture, a state-of-the-art superscalar processor achieves competitive performance improvements, while requiring less chip area and energy consumption in the fetch architecture than a hardware code caching mechanism.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enabling preemptive multiprogramming on GPUs

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    GPUs are being increasingly adopted as compute accelerators in many domains, spanning environments from mobile systems to cloud computing. These systems are usually running multiple applications, from one or several users. However GPUs do not provide the support for resource sharing traditionally expected in these scenarios. Thus, such systems are unable to provide key multiprogrammed workload requirements, such as responsiveness, fairness or quality of service. In this paper, we propose a set of hardware extensions that allow GPUs to efficiently support multiprogrammed GPU workloads. We argue for preemptive multitasking and design two preemption mechanisms that can be used to implement GPU scheduling policies. We extend the architecture to allow concurrent execution of GPU kernels from different user processes and implement a scheduling policy that dynamically distributes the GPU cores among concurrently running kernels, according to their priorities. We extend the NVIDIA GK110 (Kepler) like GPU architecture with our proposals and evaluate them on a set of multiprogrammed workloads with up to eight concurrent processes. Our proposals improve execution time of high-priority processes by 15.6x, the average application turnaround time between 1.5x to 2x, and system fairness up to 3.4x.We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, Alexan- der Veidenbaum, Carlos Villavieja, Lluis Vilanova, Lluc Al- varez, and Marc Jorda on their comments and help improving our work and this paper. This work is supported by Euro- pean Commission through TERAFLUX (FP7-249013), Mont- Blanc (FP7-288777), and RoMoL (GA-321253) projects, NVIDIA through the CUDA Center of Excellence program, Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2011-0067) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2007-60625 and TIN2012-34557 projects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Exploiting different levels of parallelism in the biological sequence comparison problem

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    In the last years the fast growth of bioinformatics field has atracted the attention of computer scientists. At the same time, de exponential growth of databases that contains biological information (such as protein and DNA data) demands great efforts to improve the performance of computational platforms. In this work, we investigate how bioinformatics applications benefit from parallel architectures that combine different alternatives to exploit coarse- and fine-grain parallelism. As a case of analysis, we study the performance behavior of the Ssearch application that implements the Smith-Waterman algorithm (SW), which is a dynamic programing approach that explores the similarity between a pair of sequences. The inherent large parallelism of the application makes it ideal for architectures supporting multiple dimensions of parallelism (thread-level parallelism, TLP; data-level parallelism, DLP; instruction-level parallelism, ILP). We study how this algorithm can take advantage of different parallel machines like the SGI Altix, IBM Power6, IBM Cell BE and MareNostrum machines. Our study includes a qualitative analysis of the parallelization opportunities and also the quantification of the performance in terms of speedup and execution time. These measures are collected taking into account the specific characteristics of each architecture. As an example, our results show that a share memory multiprocessor architecture (SMP) like the PowerPC 970MP of Marenostrum machine can surpasses a heterogeneous multi- processor machine like the current IBM Cell BE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effective instruction prefetching via fetch prestaging

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    As technological process shrinks and clock rate increases, instruction caches can no longer be accessed in one cycle. Alternatives are implementing smaller caches (with higher miss rate) or large caches with a pipelined access (with higher branch misprediction penalty). In both cases, the performance obtained is far from the obtained by an ideal large cache with one-cycle access. In this paper we present cache line guided prestaging (CLGP), a novel mechanism that overcomes the limitations of current instruction cache implementations. CLGP employs prefetching to charge future cache lines into a set of fast prestage buffers. These buffers are managed efficiently by the CLGP algorithm, trying to fetch from them as much as possible. Therefore, the number of fetches served by the main instruction cache is highly reduced, and so the negative impact of its access latency on the overall performance. With the best CLGP configuration using a 4 KB I-cache, speedups of 3.5% (at 0.09 /spl mu/m) and 12.5% (at 0.045 /spl mu/m) are obtained over an equivalent fetch directed prefetching configuration, and 39% (at 0.09 /spl mu/m) and 48% (at 0.045 /spl mu/m) over using a pipelined instruction cache without prefetching. Moreover, our results show that CLGP with a 2.5 KB of total cache budget can obtain a similar performance than using a 64 KB pipelined I-cache without prefetching, that is equivalent performance at 6.4X our hardware budget.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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